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Высшая лига. Судейские назначения с 23 по 25 февраля
Областной турнир Иркутской Митрополии
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протокол матча
Первенство мира среди ст. юношей U-17 - 2020
Лидчёпинг, Швеция
Матч № 4
13 марта 2020 г.,
Пятница, 18:00 (20:00 по московскому времени)
стадион «Спарбанкен Арена»
| 88 зрителей
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Юношеская сборная России (игроки до 17 лет) |
2 : 3 (0:3) |
Юношеская сборная Швеции (игроки до 17 лет) |
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6 минут:
12 минут:
Вауконен Юкка (Финляндия) (главный судья)
Хепола Илари (Финляндия) (помощник)
Рундберг Йеспер (Швеция) (помощник)
4. Текстовый онлайн https://www.elitrapport.se/live2/?gameID=30 874&h=WC17%20Russia&a=WC17%20Sweden Тайм-аут Россия 7 мин.+1.5
Видеообзор https://play.staylive.se/UVM-Lidkoping/w/90 143
Russia — Sweden, a very intense game. However Sweden started best and scored after 4 minutes. Then 1 minute later they even did their second goal, it casued the Russian manager to take a time out. After the time out Sweden did their third goal, which was the result in halftime. For the second half the Russian team where more aggresiv and the further the game went the closer they came to score, so in the 44 minute Russia score buy nr 10. Then 11 minutes later the Russians did their second goal and at that point Sweden had real problem with Russia. But Russia never maneged to do a third goal before the time was out, so Sweden finally won with 3−2.